[特邀报告]Systems approach to complex diseases

Systems approach to complex diseases
编号:108 访问权限:仅限参会人 更新:2022-07-04 13:56:18 浏览:865次 特邀报告

报告开始:2022年07月24日 17:00 (Asia/Shanghai)


所在会议:[S5] 分会场5 » [S5-2] 精准医学与单细胞测序


Most human diseases are multigenic complex diseases, which are caused by interaction between genetic factors and environmental factors. It has been a big challenge to resolve the genetic and environmental complexity, the cellular components in between, and the interactions between these components. Genome-scale studies of large sample sizes aim to reveal the genetic architectures of many complex diseases, having laid the basis for systems approach to understanding complex diseases. Systems biology has advanced our understanding of complex diseases at multiple layers: 1) genetic architectures; 2) cellular components: DNA, RNA, proteins and metabolites; 3) regulation of cellular processes; 4) the role of environmental factors. Here we would like to briefly introduce our early attempt in exploring systems approach and our recent application in illustrating the mechanism underlying complex diseases, and provide a perspective on the future of systems biology in complex diseases.

Systems biology, complex diseases
教授 南方医科大学南方医院

杨新平湖南师大学士、中科院遗传所硕士、湘雅医学院读博士、在中科院上海生理所和中科院生命科学中心读士后,期间研究成果发表在American Journal Human Genetics 和 Nature Genetics上。2000至2015年在哈佛医学院从事系统生物学研究,在 Cell,Nature,Nature Methods, Nature Communications等杂志上发表系列研究论文。 2015年以来在南方医科大学任教授,主要从事胎盘发育和脑发育关系的研究,目前主持国家自然科学基金面上项目三项、广东省自然科学基金重点项目三项和广州市重点项目一项。最近在Cell(2016),Advanced Sciences (2020), Hypertension (2020), Theranostics (2020, 2021), Molecular Autism (2020), Molecular Therapy -Nuclei Acids (2020), iScience (2021) 等杂志连续发表研究论文。

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