[特邀报告]Helitron transposons demarcate an evolutionarily distinct and sperm-specific 3D genome structure in Xenopus tropicalis

Helitron transposons demarcate an evolutionarily distinct and sperm-specific 3D genome structure in Xenopus tropicalis
编号:112 访问权限:仅限参会人 更新:2022-07-04 17:48:19 浏览:834次 特邀报告

报告开始:2022年07月23日 17:20 (Asia/Shanghai)


所在会议:[S2] 分会场2 » [S2-1] 基因组学与表观基因组学


Transposable elements (TEs) are abundant in metazoan genomes and have multifaceted effects on host fitness. However, the mechanisms underlying TEs function are still not clear. Here, we combined Hi-C, ATAC-seq, and ChIP-seq assays revealing the existence of multi-megabase super-sized loop (SSL) clusters in the X. tropicalis sperm genome. We show SSL anchors are inaccessible and devoid of architectural protein CTCF, RNA polymerase II, and histone modifications. Unexpectedly, we find SSL anchors are enriched exclusively with Helitrons, a class II DNA transposon. Molecular dynamics simulations indicate SSL clusters are likely formed via a molecular agent-mediated chromatin condensation process. Moreover, most SSL anchor-associated genes are not expressed during early embryo development, suggesting chromatin at SSL anchors maintains a repressive environment to limit transcription during embryogenesis. In sum, our work reveals that Helitrons demarcate an evolutionarily distinct and sperm-specific genome structure that may mediate transposition inhibition during spermatogenesis and transcriptional repression in embryogenesis.

3D genome structure; super chromatin loop cluster; sperm; embryogenesis; transcription
研究员 南方科技大学,中国科学院昆明动物研究所

南方科技大学生命科学学院副教授(研究员,正高)、理学博士、博士生导师、海外高层次引进人才、深圳市孔雀人才计划B类。主要从事三维基因组结构建立过程及功能、顺式调控元件功能性鉴定及表观遗传特征分析、发育和分化过程中三维结构和调控元件协同控制基因表达的机制,以及基因调控异常和疾病发生机制等领域的研究。以通讯作者和第一作者在Nature Genetics,Molecular Cell,PNAS,Cell (评论)等国际学术杂志发表研究论文和评论17篇,共同作者论文15篇,主持国自然、广东省和深圳市等多项项目研究,科技部重点专项核心骨干,多次获得南科大理学院亮点项目和生物系优秀项目基金支持。

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