[口头报告]Construction of Wendan Decoction Knowledge Graph and Drug-target Prediction Based on SGRN-Trans

Construction of Wendan Decoction Knowledge Graph and Drug-target Prediction Based on SGRN-Trans
编号:127 访问权限:仅限参会人 更新:2022-07-07 11:16:27 浏览:434次 口头报告

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Wendan decoction is one of the classic prescriptions of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It is widely used in the treatment of the diseases of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, digestive system, mental and nervous system, but its modern clinical position is not clear. Recently, TCM has been receiving more and more attention due to its unique pathological characteristics and its potential as a supplement or substitute for modern medicine. However, the complex composition of TCM makes it very difficult to study its pharmacology. The identification and prediction of drug-target interaction (DTI) plays a vital role in various areas of drug development, and plays a positive role in pharmacological research. While traditional DTI prediction methods still have various limitations, recently, prediction methods based on knowledge graph have begun to enter the vision of researchers. However, there are few TCM researches using knowledge mapping at present. In this study, we constructed the Knowledge graph of Wendan Decoction (WDKG) by using multiple data sources, and proposed a DTI prediction framework, SGRN-Trans, based on knowledge graph and attention model. The prediction framework firstly uses graph neural network (GNN) to obtain the low-dimensional representation of each entity in the knowledge graph, then introduces the structural features of drugs and targets, finally integrates the attention model, Transformer, to predict DTI. We evaluate each part of SGRN-Trans in detail, and compare it with other kinds of high-performance algorithms. Experimental results show that SGRN-Trans has significantly superior performance in DTI prediction tasks. All in all, this study is a valuable attempt to combine knowledge graph and attention model and apply it to DTI prediction, which provides a new insight for TCM research.
Knowledge graph;TCM;DTI; GNN;Transformer
助理研究员 上海交通大学

王艳菁,博士,上海交通大学药学院助理研究员,2019年博士毕业于上海交通大学生命科学技术学院,并从事博士后工作(2019-2021),研究方向为人工智能药物设计、多组学癌症药物研究,近年来在Breifings in Bioinformatics,Frontiers in Pharmacology,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,International Journal of Molecular Sciences,Computers in Biology and Medicine 等发表第一作者/通讯作者论文14篇;参与国家重点研发计划、国自然面上等科研项目;合作主持上海交通大学医工交叉基金2项,担任Interdisciplinary Sciences-Computational Life Sciences(JCR2区)的青年编委,Biomolecules特刊客座编辑,Frontiers in Bioinformatics,Frontiers in Bioinformatics,IEEE Access,Frontiers in Genetics,Frontiers in Immunology等多家SCI期刊审稿人。

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