[特邀报告]Alternative Polyadenylation Regulation: Insights from Sequential Polyadenylation

Alternative Polyadenylation Regulation: Insights from Sequential Polyadenylation
编号:153 访问权限:仅限参会人 更新:2022-07-11 10:10:58 浏览:889次 特邀报告

报告开始:2022年07月24日 14:45 (Asia/Shanghai)


所在会议:[S2] 分会场2 » [S2-2] 基因表达调控与大分子修饰


The processing of the proximal and distal poly(A) sites in alternative polyadenylation (APA) has long been thought to independently occur on pre-mRNAs during transcription. By Fractionation-seq, we unexpectedly identified several hundred APA genes where their distal polyA isoforms are retained in chromatin/nuclear matrix and proximal polyA isoforms are released into the cytoplasm. Global metabolic PAS-seq and Nanopore long-read RNA-seq provided further evidence that the strong distal polyA sites are first processed and the resulting transcripts are anchored in chromatin/nuclear matrix to serve as precursors for further processing at proximal polyA sites. By inserting an autocleavable ribozyme between the proximal and distal polyA sites, coupled with the newly developed Cleave-seq, we demonstrated that the distal polyA isoform is indeed the precursor to the proximal polyA isoform. The proximal sites for many genes could be activated sequentially following the distal ones — sequential polyadenylation, providing a versatile strategy to regulate gene expression in mammalian cells. I will review the established mechanisms for APA regulation and then discuss the additional insights into APA regulation from the perspective of sequential polyadenylation, resulting in a unified leverage model for understanding the mechanisms of regulated APA.

周宇,武汉大学生命科学学院教授。长期从事生物信息与RNA生物学研究,重点围绕RNA生成与加工开展研究,研发了多项新技术和分析方法,并利用这些技术系统地研究了生理条件下和疾病中RNA生成与加工的调控与机制。近5年在Cell等知名学术期刊以通讯及共通讯作者发表研究论文17篇(包括CellMol CellNat Struct Mol Biol 4篇;Nucleic Acids Res 3篇;Nat CommunPlant Cell等),其中多篇论文被Nat Rev Mol Cell BiolNSMB等期刊专评、F1000Prime推荐。入选国家青年千人计划、国家优秀青年基金、湖北省杰青等项目资助。受聘中国生化与分子生物学会RNA专业委员会委员、中国生物物理学会生物医学信息分会副秘书长等。

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