[特邀报告]xQTLbiolinks: an integrative and scalable tool to identify disease susceptibility genes

xQTLbiolinks: an integrative and scalable tool to identify disease susceptibility genes
编号:169 访问权限:仅限参会人 更新:2022-07-12 17:31:07 浏览:1093次 特邀报告

报告开始:2022年07月24日 17:00 (Asia/Shanghai)


所在会议:[S1] 分会场1 » [S1-2] 高通量测序与生命组学大数据


Most of the disease-associated variants detected by genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are located in genomic non-coding regions, posing a significant challenge for interpreting the underlying molecular mechanism. The emergence of molecular quantitative trait loci (xQTL), such as expression QTL (eQTL), has been demonstrated as a powerful way of linking non-coding variants to disease phenotype. However, identifying these disease-associated xQTLs demands extremely complex computational strategies, which raise the bar for clinicians and experimental biologists. To maximize the value of xQTL data and lower the barrier for post-GWAS studies, a flexible and user-friendly tool is urgently needed. We thus developed an R package xQTLbiolinks as the first computational tool that enables the integrative analysis of molecular QTL and GWAS summary statistics data with guided workflow. We also applied xQTLbiolinks to the prostate cancer dataset and revealed several known and novel prostate cancer susceptible genes.

深圳湾实验室特聘研究员,国家海外引进高层次青年人才, 中国抗癌协会肿瘤标志物专业委员会委员,深圳海外高层次人才(B类)。研究方向:运用和开发新的计算学方法,整合多种高通量组学大数据,解析非编码RNA对人类复杂疾病的影响。总计发表SCI文章30余篇,其中第一或通讯作者在Nature Genetics、Molecular Cell、Nucleic Acids Research等国际高水平期刊发表研究论文10篇。近5年来,论文共被他引>1300余次,H指数20,多篇文章被Nature Reviews Cancer, Trends in Genetics, Molecular Cell, F1000等撰文推荐或封面报道。现任Nature Communications, Molecular Psychiatry,Nucleic Acids Research, Genome Research等国际期刊的审稿人,受邀在多个国内外会议包括美国人类遗传学年会作学术报告并指导多位博士研究生。

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