[主旨报告]The trait coding rule in phenotype space

The trait coding rule in phenotype space
编号:174 访问权限:仅限参会人 更新:2022-07-14 09:43:13 浏览:905次 主旨报告

报告开始:2022年07月25日 10:25 (Asia/Shanghai)


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Genotype and phenotype are both the themes of modern biology.  Despite the elegant protein coding rules recognized decades ago in genotype, little is known on how traits are coded in a phenotype space (P).  Mathematically, P can be partitioned into a subspace determined by genetic factors (PG) and a subspace affected by non-genetic factors (PNG).  Evolutionary theory predicts PG is composed of limited dimensions while PNG may have infinite dimensions, which suggests a novel dimension decomposition method termed as uncorrelation-based high-dimensional dependence (UBHDD) to separate them.  We applied UBHDD to a yeast phenotype space comprising ~400 traits in ~1,000 individuals.  The obtained yeast PG matches the actual genetic components of the yeast traits, explains the broad-sense heritability, and facilitates the mapping of quantitative trait loci, highlighting the success of the subspace separation.  A limited number of latent dimensions in the PG were found to be recurrently used for coding the diverse yeast traits, while dimensions in the PNG tend to be trait specific and increase constantly with trait sampling.  Similar results were obtained by applying UBHDD to the UK Biobank human brain phenome that comprises ~700 traits in ~26,000 individuals.  The results elucidated the genetic versus non-genetic origins of the left-right asymmetry of human brain, and enabled the discovery of a large number of novel genetic correlations between brain subregions and mental disorders.  In sum, phenotypic traits are coded by a limited number of genetically determined latent dimensions and unlimited trait-specific dimensions that are shaped by non-genetic factors, a rule fundamental to the emerging field of phenomics. 

贺雄雷,男,1977年出生,湖南攸县人,中山大学生命科学学院教授,教育部长江学者,国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员。曾获国家杰出青年基金(2012年)和国家万人计划科技创新领军人才项目(2018年)资助。 研究领域为进化遗传学,对基因重复,性染色体剂量补偿和癌症演化等问题开展过系统性工作,目前主要研究基因型-表型空间的数学特征和演化规律。

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