
编号:182 访问权限:仅限参会人 更新:2022-07-21 12:05:29 浏览:1126次 特邀报告

报告开始:2022年07月24日 16:55 (Asia/Shanghai)


所在会议:[S2] 分会场2 » [S2-2] 基因表达调控与大分子修饰


Genetic sharing is extensively observed for many autoimmune diseases, but the causal variants and their underlying molecular mechanisms remain largely unknown. Through systematic investigation of known autoimmune disease pleiotropic loci, we find most of these genetic effects are transmitted from regulatory code and colocalize with hematopoietic lineage-specific expression quantitative trait loci. We leverage evidence-based strategy to functionally prioritize known pleiotropic variants and identify their target genes. A top-ranked pleiotropic variant, rs4728142, obtains many lines of evidence to be causal and regulates IRF5 transcript expression. Mechanistically, the rs4728142-containing region interacts with IRF5 downstream alternative promoter in an allele-specific manner and orchestrates its upstream enhancer to regulate IRF5 alternative promoter usage through chromatin looping. A putative structural regulator, ZBTB3, mediates the allele-specific chromatin looping to promote IRF5-short transcript expression at rs4728142 risk allele, resulting in IRF5 overactivation and M1 macrophage polarization. Together, our findings establish a causal mechanism between regulatory variant and fine-scale molecular phenotype underlying dysfunction of pleiotropic gene in human autoimmunity.
The high mutation burden of melanoma genome raises a major challenge for identifying true driver events from the background mutations genome-widely. Many noncoding recurrent events, such as those occurred in enhancer, can shape the tumor evolution, emphasizing the necessity of systematic deciphering enhancer disruptions in melanoma. Here, we leveraged 297 melanoma whole-genome sequencing (WGS) samples to prioritize highly recurrent regions (HRRs). By performing a genome-scale CRISPR interference (CRISPRi) screening on HRR-associated enhancers in melanoma cells, we identified 66 significant hits which could play tumor-suppressive roles. These functional enhancers show unique mutational patterns independent of classical significantly mutated genes in melanoma. Target gene analysis for the essential enhancers revealed many known and hidden mechanisms underlying melanoma development. We demonstrated that an enhancer could modulate melanoma cell proliferation by targeting MEF2A and another distal enhancer is able to sustain PTEN tumor-suppressive potential via long-range interaction. Our study established a catalogue of crucial enhancers and their target genes in melanoma development and progression.


天津医科大学生物信息学系主任,教授,主要从事功能基因组学和生物信息学方法研究,围绕复杂疾病遗传学和功能基因组学开展了一系列计算方法学探索,特别是在结合高通量测序技术、CRISPR基因组编辑技术和创新的计算方法鉴定非编码遗传变异影响复杂疾病发生和药物响应等方面,取得了一些研究成果。设计开发了一系列算法、数据库和在线服务对复杂疾病致病位点和基因进行注释、功能预测和排优化,通过实验方法发现了数个新的致病调控变异影响复杂疾病发生、发展、预后和治疗。李俊教授近年来以通讯作者在Genome Res, Genome Biol, Sci. Adv, Signal Transduct Target Ther, Nucleic Acids Res, Cell Discov, PLoS Genet, Bioinformatics等基因组和生物信息学期刊发表论文多篇。目前担任Human Heredity期刊副主编和Frontiers in Genetics期刊编委;曾获教育部青年长江,天津市杰青,和多项国家级课题。

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