[特邀报告]Landscape and Regulation of SnoRNA-guided Pseudouridylations on ncRNAs and mRNAs

Landscape and Regulation of SnoRNA-guided Pseudouridylations on ncRNAs and mRNAs
编号:2 访问权限:仅限参会人 更新:2022-07-16 13:58:42 浏览:868次 特邀报告

报告开始:2022年07月24日 15:25 (Asia/Shanghai)


所在会议:[S2] 分会场2 » [S2-2] 基因表达调控与大分子修饰


Pseudouridine (ψ) is the most abundant RNA modification and plays vital roles in multiple biological processes. However, its biogenesis and functions are not yet fully elucidated. Here we developed an approach for enriching ψ sites by using an exoribonuclease enzyme to eliminate other nucleosides and a new strategy to remove the reads of read-through, coupled with sequencing (exo-ψ-seq) and experimentally and computationally discovered, for the first time, the formation of ψ sites on mRNA can be guided by small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs). Moreover, we developed new computational method, psiScan, to identified new ψ sites and interaction between snoRNAs and targets from exo-ψ-seq data. The transcriptome-wide mapping and computational identification of ψ at a single-nucleotide resolution revealed more than 1160 sites, of which 315 sites are dependent on DKC1 enzyme and ~70 sites are further assigned to ~40 H/ACA box snoRNAs. Notably, we demonstrated that DKC1-denpendent ψ modification of RPLX is guided by SNORNA and regulate protein synthesis of RPLX and cell proliferation. Additionally, we found that some orphan SNORNAs leads DKC1 to install the ψ modifications of 28S rRNA. Our work provides a more comprehensive method to detect ψ sites and a powerful experimental method and new computational tool for the future comprehensive research of ψ functions and biogenesis.
RNA modification;snoRNA;software;epitranscriptome;ncRNA
教授 中山大学生命科学学院

中山大学生命科学学院教授,长期致力于开发高通量RNA组学方法研究RNA及其互作蛋白的结构、功能和作用机制。以通讯作者或共同通讯作者身份在Nature、Nature Cell Biology、Genome Research、Nucleic Acids Res.、European Urology、Science Advances、Cell Reports、EMBO Reports等杂志发表20多篇研究论文,多篇论文被Nature Reviews Genetics、Nature Cell Biology、Nature Chemical Biology、EMBO Reports等杂志亮点评述。开发了包括starBase、snoSeeker、starScan、RMBase等软件和平台被Nature、Cell等杂志论文引用超过10000次(Google Scholar)。受邀在WIREs RNA撰写RNA与蛋白互作的综述论文,受邀在Springer出版社出版了多篇关于非编码RNA和RNA修饰研究方法的论著章节,是期刊 Front. Cell Dev. Biol.、Frontiers in Genetics和Non-coding RNA journal的编委,获得广东特支计划科技创新青年拔尖人才项目。

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