[张贴报告]Deviation from baseline mutation burden provides powerful and robust rare-variants association test for complex diseases

Deviation from baseline mutation burden provides powerful and robust rare-variants association test for complex diseases
编号:52 稿件编号:29 访问权限:仅限参会人 更新:2022-06-28 16:55:08 浏览:632次 张贴报告

报告开始:2022年07月23日 13:00 (Asia/Shanghai)


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Identifying rare variants that contribute to complex diseases is challenging because of the low statistical power in current tests comparing cases with controls. Here we propose a novel and powerful rare variants association test based on the deviation of the observed mutation burden of a gene in cases from a baseline predicted by a weighted recursive truncated negative-binomial regression (RUNNER) on genomic features available from public data. Simulation studies show that RUNNER is substantially more powerful than state-of-the-art rare variant association tests and has reasonable type 1 error rates even for stratified populations or in small samples. Applied to real case-control data, RUNNER recapitulates known genes of Hirschsprung disease and Alzheimer's disease missed by current methods and detects promising new candidate genes for both disorders. In a case-only study, RUNNER successfully detected a known causal gene of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The present study provides a powerful and robust method to identify susceptibility genes with rare risk variants for complex diseases.
baseline mutation-burden,rare variants,genetic mapping,truncated negative-binomial regression,complex diseases,susceptibility genes
博士后 中山大学

蒋琳 中山大学
江慧 中山大学
李淼新 中山大学
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