
编号:79 访问权限:仅限参会人 更新:2022-07-05 11:48:56 浏览:847次 特邀报告

报告开始:2022年07月23日 15:20 (Asia/Shanghai)


所在会议:[S3] 分会场3 » [S3-1] 系统生物学与分子进化


Amniotes exhibit a great interspecific diversity of chromosome number and syntenic order during their 310 million years’ evolution. Previous efforts of reconstructing the ancestral karyotypes to infer the amniote chromosome evolution process suffered from using mostly scaffold-level fragmented genomes or the lack of key species at certain lineages. Here, we used 11 amniote and three outgroup species to reconstruct the 32 ancestral linkage groups (ALGs) of mammalian ancestor, and infer a total of 42 and 43 ALGs of reptile and amniote ancestors. Comparison of the reconstructed ancestral chromosomes to the extant species uncovered that the ancestor of mammals exhibit much more intra- and inter-chromosome rearrangements than that of reptiles, with a constant pattern characterized by the fission of macrochromosomes and the fusion of microchromosomes across the amniote species. Unlike the dominant interchromosomal changes occurring among microchromosomes in reptiles, extensive rearrangements had occurred between ancestral macro- and micro-chromosomes. The dramatic changes in mammals had reshuffled the chromosomal syntenic orders, as well as the spatial architectures compared to the ancestors. Despite that, human and mouse have largely retained a ‘bird-like’ spatial nuclear organization that the majority of ancestral microchromosome-originated sequences remained to be closer to the nuclear interior and have significant interchromosomal interactions. This architecture could have been strengthened by the lineage-specific repeat elements. Our results provide novel insights into the sequence and spatial evolution of amniote chromosomes.

教授 浙江大学

周琦博士,浙江大学生命科学研究院长聘正教授,研究方向是动物性染色体演化历史、动物性别决定机制研究等。实验室开展演化与发育方面的各项交叉研究,工作重点是靶向研究经典的动物性染色体演化和性别决定机制,运用前沿的新技术测序和生物信息的方法,进一步发展非模式物种中的基因组编辑技术,以期望可以在鸟瞰全基因组进化格局的同时,对特定基因进行功能刻画。周琦团队至今发表论文50余篇,包括通讯作者的Science, Nature, Nature Communications, Nature Ecology and Evolution论文30余篇, 总论文引用次数超过4600次。获得国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目,牛顿高级访问学者项目和面上项目。

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