[特邀报告]Reconstruction of Ancestral Cell Karyotypes and Chromosome Evolutionary Trajectories of Angiosperm Plants

Reconstruction of Ancestral Cell Karyotypes and Chromosome Evolutionary Trajectories of Angiosperm Plants
编号:84 访问权限:仅限参会人 更新:2022-07-05 11:20:15 浏览:804次 特邀报告

报告开始:2022年07月23日 14:20 (Asia/Shanghai)


所在会议:[S3] 分会场3 » [S3-1] 系统生物学与分子进化


Based on the genomics model of plant chromosome evolution and bioinformatics methods and software mainly previously proposed by the author and colleagues, we are conducting in-depth analysis of the sequenced plant genome sequence, and plan to reconstruct the main ancestor nodes in the process of plant evolution. The so-called telomere-central model described chromosome arrangements, which occur in mainly three ways, nested-chromosome fusion, end-end joining of chromosomes, and arm exchange between chromosomes. Chromosome number reduction is indispensably accompanied by the production of B chromosomes, consisting two telomeres from one or two chromosomes. For nested chromosome fusion, one ancestral chromosome initially forms a circular one by crossing-over near its two telomeres, and a resolution of the Holiday structure results in a telomere-free or free-end chromosome and a B chromosome; then the free-end chromosome is nested into another chromosome, and the B chromosome will be lost. For the end-end joining of chromosomes, two ancestral chromosomes cross-over near one of each one’s telomere, and the resolution results in the production of a fused bigger chromosome and a B-chromosome, the latter of which will be lost. In our study, the ancestral karyotype and chromosome evolutionary trajectories are inferred and displayed in static and dynamic manners, involving many angiosperm plants.
Genome;Cell karyotype;Chromosome;Evolution
教授 华北理工大学

 华北理工大学理学院院长、基因组学中心主任。2005年毕业于北京大学生命科学学院,获理学博士学位(生物信息学专业)。主要从事基因组学与生物大数据的研究。在多个植物基因组测序的国际合作项目中任生物信息学/比较基因组学分析的首席科学家; 取得了多项突出的独创性成果,尤其在真核生物染色体数目减少理论、B染色体起源、多倍化对基因组功能形成和演化影响等方面做出了多项原创性成果;提出了植物基因组复杂性分析的金标准(顶级学术杂志专题评论);主持中国国家自然科学基金项目4项,合作主持联合基金1项,重点项目子课题1项;河北省自然科学基金杰青项目,百人计划项目,教育厅新世纪创新人才项目。发表论文近90余篇,多篇发表在《Science》《Nature》等一流学术杂志上;按Google scholar所发文章已被他引3万多次,H-index45,入选遗传学与分子生物学顶级科学家。成果支撑华北理工大学生物学科进入世界前1%,软科学科排名列全国第14位。

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